What To Expect & FAQs

Get ready to have some FUN! My approach is easygoing and relaxed. Experience has taught me that it's this relaxed atmosphere that sparks those genuine, heartwarming moments among family members — the moments that become your most cherished photos. Got energetic kids? We’ll let them race to the nearest tree! A hungry two-week-old? We'll pause for feeding. A sudden gust messed up mom's hair? No worries; we'll wait while she touches up. I’m all about keeping it casual, ensuring everyone's comfort, and dedicating myself to capture sweet moments and the essense of your family.

What should I bring to my session?

  1. Snacks: Always bring snacks – and then some more snacks. We're aware that kids might need a bite every so often, especially when meeting someone new. Non-messy snacks are a perfect choice!

  2. Bubbles: Honestly, who hasn’t seen the magic bubbles bring? Whether it's chasing, blowing, marveling at, or smashing them, bubbles never fail to charm.

  3. A Neutral Blanket: Considering you may not want to sit on a park's grass in your best attire, a blanket is handy. Opt for one in a neutral shade without busy patterns or designs.

  4. Layers: Particularly for the cooler months, it’s wise to dress in layers. While you might heat up moving around, posing might leave you feeling the chill. With layers, you're always ready to adjust!

  5. A Trusted Companion: Whether it’s toys, pacifiers, a special blanket, or the “whole kitten caboodle” (whatever that means!), families often bring along props. A close friend or a favorite relative can be a lifesaver. Not only do they help with carrying items, but they're also fantastic at eliciting genuine smiles and directing the kids' focus to the camera.

Helpful Information

  1. Capturing Authentic Moments: My heart belongs to candids. These spontaneous shots reveal the true essence of your children: the infectious laughter when dad tickles, the affectionate glances shared between partners, and those precious kisses between a child and their parent. While I'll certainly orchestrate a few posed shots, I urge you to be yourself in the in-between moments. Relish them. Hug, chase, and let the genuine interactions flow.

  2. Continuous Shooting, Natural Interactions: Given my penchant for candid moments, I shoot almost non-stop. Parents, there's no need to keep a vigilant eye on my camera or coax your kids to look my way. When it's time for a posed shot, I'll give you a heads-up. Until then, immerse yourself in the company of your loved ones.

  3. The Digital Advantage: One of the greatest perks of digital photography? The memories are eternal. The freedom to print and reprint snapshots over the years is priceless. To ensure you fully enjoy this benefit, I include digital images along with printing rights in all my portrait and lifestyle sessions.

What will happen after my session?

Following our session, I'll immediately delve into post-processing. I have to admit, there's a certain joy I find in watching your images appear on my computer screen; it never fails to bring a smile to my face. Depending on the duration of your session, the post-processing phase can range from 1 to 3 weeks.

Although I don't specify a set number of finished images for each session, here's a general idea:

  1. Mini Sessions (20 minutes): Expect around 10-15 photos.

  2. Regular Sessions (45-60 minutes): Typically yield 20-25 photos.

What is a finished image?

A finished image is a meticulously handpicked photo from your session that has undergone my editing process. It's important to understand that, despite my continuous shooting during our time together, not all photos make the final selection. Some shots, for various reasons, might not meet the standards I hold for your keepsake memories. Selecting and refining these standout moments is truly the part I cherish most. It's all about presenting you with the absolute best to cherish for a lifetime.

Print vs. web resolution. What's the difference?

Print Resolution Images: These are high-resolution images tailored for printing purposes. They have the detail and quality needed to ensure crisp, clear prints from any photo printing service. While you can indeed upload them to the web for sharing on platforms like websites or social media, be mindful of their larger file size. This could lead to slower loading times due to their detailed nature.

Web Resolution Images: As the name suggests, these images are optimized for the web. They're designed for quick loading and seamless online sharing. However, their resolution is not sufficient for printing, meaning they might appear pixelated or blurry if printed.